Post by account_disabled on Oct 26, 2023 8:27:33 GMT
This means that if a person writes a request in the city of Moscow, then the issuance of sites will be Moscow, and not another city or region. Regional website promotion We use and recommend a service for determining geo-dependence, localization and commercialization of requests - pixelplus . With the help of this service, regional website promotion will be more accessible. It is clear from the data in the screenshot that all requests are geo-dependent, and the degree of local issuance in the PS is more than 60% for each request. This means that 7 out of 10 sites are tied to this promotion region. Regional SEO website promotion An example of issuing in Yandex PS for one request in the cities of Moscow and Novosibirsk Note that major campaigns compete in both cities, but photo editor sites in each city have different local anchors. SEO website promotion in Russia Therefore, developers of search engines to promote a site in several cities immediately offer two solutions. Promotion using regional subdomain addresses. A single domain is divided into sites with subdomain addresses. Subdomain folders are located in the shared folder of the domain. In fact, separate sites are created with reference to a specific region. This method significantly improves ranking on Yandex. Promotion using subfolders . On the site itself, regional departments are created, placed in the corresponding subfolders. This method significantly improves the distribution in Google. Many leading commercial sites use both of these methods for their promotion.